Ridicule my post pregnancy body [Graphic Content]

Warning- this post contains graphic imagery, please re-direct to The Little Lord’s most recent escapade as Bond if you would rather avoid! 

See Previous Post- The Transfusion of Life to understand why an emergency Cesarean was carried out.


The Re-birth

Birth changes women, in most cases the change is both mental and physical. The motherhood switch engages and the sudden impact of becoming a mother for the first time can be overwhelming. Your body, has endured this amazing and unbelievable feat, a new life coming into this world which you are tasked to nurture, care and protect. A mixture of emotions can emerge, but whilst some of these emotions may be hidden mentally, it is often the physical repercussions of birth that are discussed.

Recently, Giovanna Fletcher brought into sharp focus Continue reading “Ridicule my post pregnancy body [Graphic Content]”